

Give Aways and Fun Stuff

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

Coupon Mommy of 2...Now 3

Oh, Hi There

I am a WAHM who loves making modern baby items with a funky twist! I have been married for 10 years and have 4 kiddos. I am just lovin' life.

This Just In

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Today is a snow day. You know, one of those days when your kids wake up at the crack of dawn even though you have to drag them out of bed any other school day. They rush to the windows in hopes that enough snow has fallen to prompt the call (dreaded by me of course) that school is canceled for the day.

The kids are rushing around as I type looking for their snow suits, boots, and gloves so they can go play outside. Their sleds are buried somewhere under the white puffy mounds of fun outside that await them.

Once the roads clear maybe we will drive to the park where there are some bigger hills and they can have some real fun. :)

I am actually enjoying my time with them today. Watching them bounce happily in their oversized clothes. They won't be little for long.

I hope that my customers who are waiting patiently on their diaper orders will understand. There is no way I can miss these beautiful moments and hide away down in my work studio sewing. I can't make it through the snow into town and to the Post Office anyhow.

It really is beautiful out.

What a wonderful, lazy, snow daze :)


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